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Considerando os Textos 1 e 2, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do trecho a seguir

Questões de Inglês na Unicamp 2023

Texto 1

In history, the rise of street art around the world has mirrored multiple waves of political unrest. The use of this avantgarde art style for political activism has spread to the Bay Area, California. As an influx of white upper-class residents displaced low-income households, the anger of local people fueled a movement to take back the streets via spray paint, video projections, stenciling — any street art medium.

Bay Area activists are weaponizing street art to unite the masses and reclaim their communities’ stolen narratives, re-imagining better futures alongside comrades across the nation. Their freeing and colorful art combats the virulent systems of oppression that white supremacy has entrenched in our society, those same systems which mark their craft as illegal under the guise of vandalism. Street art democratizes public spaces and takes back the streets as effectively as physical protests. As a street artist, Nancypili Hernandez says that her art transforms “locations that feel like a parking lot or private property, to feeling like a collective community commons.”

(Adaptado de: https://harvardpolitics.com/street-art-activism/. Acesso em 20/06/2022.)

Texto 2  Considerando os Textos 1 e 2, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do trecho a seguir

Gabarito: B

69. (Unicamp 2023) Considerando os Textos 1 e 2, assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas do trecho a seguir.

A construção de sentidos na fotografia (Texto 2) se dá, entre outras coisas, por meio da (i) _____________ da palavra pintada no muro. Além disso, a fotografia retrata (ii) ______________ citada no texto apresentado anteriormente (Texto 1).

  1. (i) composição imagética; (ii) a desigualdade social
  2. (i) exploração da polissemia; (ii) uma prática
  3. (i) supressão dos afixos; (ii) a supremacia branca
  4. (i) mudança de tempo verbal; (ii) uma localidade